Lithium battery has made a breakthrough, mobile phone battery life can be saved

Compared with the rapid development of screens, processor performance technology, and flash memory chips, lithium battery life is still the "Achilles' heel" of electronic devices.


  In terms of components, a lithium battery is composed of a positive electrode, a negative electrode, a separator, an electrolyte, etc. Its key performance indicators (such as rate performance and cycle life) are determined by the electrochemical performance of the positive electrode material, of which LiFePO4 is a recognized positive electrode material.

  According to a report from the Institute of Metals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the research group of Wang Xiaohui of the High Performance Ceramic Materials Research Department of the Shenyang National (Joint) Laboratory of Materials Science has prepared a 12nm thickness for the first time in the world by creating an acidic synthesis environment with extreme water shortage on the basis of previous research. [100] oriented LiFePO4 ultra-thin nanosheets.

  The significance of the nanoplate electrode is that it is the smallest voltage gap so far, which increases the proportion of activated particles.

  And we know that the electrode is composed of a large number of particles, and its electrochemical performance mainly depends on the proportion of the particles (activated particles) that participate in the electrochemical reaction at the same time during the charge and discharge process to the total number of particles.

  According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the electrode has excellent rate performance and cycle life. At a charge and discharge rate of 10C (60 minutes/10=6 minutes), it can maintain 90% of the initial capacity after 1,000 cycles. At 20C charge and discharge rate, the capacity can still reach 72% of the theoretical capacity.

  It is generally believed that the research provides a new perspective and method for improving the capacity and life of lithium batteries, thereby improving the battery life of electronic devices.


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